
Recovery Watch Conference

The Recovery and Resilience Facility entered into force on 19 February 2021. To make a first assessment of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans, we co-organise a public conference on 29 September.

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The impact of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans

In May 2022, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), and the Institut Emile Vandervelde (IEV) launched the research project “Recovery Watch”.

On 29 September, the Recovery Watch Conference will discuss the impact of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs). The latter represent a new framework in which EU member states identify their development strategy and allocate European and national resources. The objective: to relaunch socio-economic conditions after the COVID-19 pandemic. Concretely, we will assess which impact NRRPs are having and can have on inequalities and welfare policies across Europe.

During the conference, we will address the following questions:

  • Have EU member states really used the opportunity to steer the socio-economic development in their country towards more equality and opportunities for all?
  • Has the care sector, largely affected by the pandemic, been restructured and refinanced?
  • Is the digital investment used to expand access to health and education?
  • Up to which extent are the NRRPs investing in future generations by promoting early childhood education and care?

You can attend the public event on 29 September from 16:00 to 18:30 online or in presence.

Register here for online (via Zoom).

Register here for in presence (at the FEPS headquarters in Brussels).

If you are interested in joining the closed-door experts meeting, please contact: euleane.omez(at)feps-europe.eu

Read the first policy study The role of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in strengthening childcare policies by Francesco Corti, Patrizia Luongo, Christian Morabito and Tomas Ruiz.

For more information please contact: stephan.thalhofer(at)fes.de
