
Towards a Global Resettlement Alliance

Resettlement and humanitarian admission through other safe pathways are important signals of solidarity not only for especially vulnerable refugees but also for countries of first asylum. As an important component of international refugee protection, these instruments show countries with fewer resources that they are not being left alone. Therefore, with this publication, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung seeks to pave the way for a "Global Resettlement Alliance".

Drastic cuts in resettlement places

With the UNHCR estimating a need of around 1.47 million resettlement places globally for 2022, the recent and unprecedented drop to only 22,800 resettled persons in 2020 poses a problem, not only for the affected people themselves but also for the stability of the international system of refugee protection. The number of admissions in 2020, the lowest number in almost two decades was due to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic but also due to drastic cuts in resettlement places under the Trump administration.

Under President Biden, the USA has, however, increased its resettlement commitments again, pledging 125,000 places for 2022. Now, the ball is in Europe's court. In Germany, the independent Commission on the Root Causes of Displacement recommended to form an “Alliance for Resettlement” in order to significantly increase resettlement and humanitarian admission numbers.

A "Global Resettlement Alliance"

With this publication, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung seeks to pave the way for a "Global Resettlement Alliance" by providing an overview of codified rights and safe pathways, analysing the main political claims about resettlement, and proposing a plan to revive resettlement and humanitarian admission by 2024, based on six country reports.

The publication also includes a helpful infographic that provides an overview of codified refugee rights, resettlement and other complementary pathways.

For further information please visit the project's website or contact Tobias Schmitt, Policy Officer for Migration, Integration and EU-Fundamental Rights: Tobias.Schmitt@fes-europe.eu
