A fair transition to 2050: tapping into a century of ideas
This projects explores the lessons of past industrial and energy transitions, including the challenges and possibilities such transitions pose for workers in the frontline. Specific attention will be given to studying regions where, for example, coal production and car manufacturing have been drastically changed or replaced by other industries. The project reflects on these lessons, considers the elements for a successful transition and suggests guidelines that policy-makers and relevant stakeholders should consider when planning and funding energy transition projects now. The workshops will also aim to identify the drivers, barriers and necessary foundations for reskilling/upskilling of workers, stakeholder involvement and ensuring quality of work.
Elements of the project are:
- 8 July, kick-off workshop about the role of governance and stakeholder collaboration in the transition
- 9 September, workshop about managing skills and qualitiy of work
- beginning of November, policy paper with conclusions and policy recommendations
- 30 November, public event "A fair transition to 2050: tapping into a century of ideas", presenting the results
Contact: Stephan.Thalhofer(at)fes-europe.eu
EU Office Brussels
Rue du Taciturne 38
BE-1000 Brussels