Care Workers on the Covid-19 frontline – Translating their experiences into better care and working conditions

Covid-19 has uncovered many societal fault lines. The virus hit the elder care sector in many countries especially hard. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has on initiative of the Swedish municipal workers unions, Kommunal, and the Swedish progressive thinktank Arena Idé commissioned reports from several Europeans countries.

Recent country studies by the FES, Arena Idé and Kommunal highlight the experiences made by care workers and trade unions during the pandemic. The findings point to existing deficiencies in long-term care and address the need for well-funded public care services with good working conditions and sufficient staffing.

Ahead of the Social Summit in Porto, we invite you to learn more about the findings and to join us for a discussion with care workers, trade unionists, and representatives of the European institutions on how to achieve a new care economy. The conference is organised in cooperation with the European Public Service Union (EPSU), the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), Arena Idé and Kommunal. Translation is provided for English, German, Swedish and Portuguese.

Please register here for the event taking place on Tuesday 4 May, 09h30 – 13h00 CET.

Contact: Agnes.Mach(at)

Learn more about our activities for the joint FES-FEPS project Feminist Europe – Does Europe care for Care? and read our policy brief Towards a fairer, care-focused Europe, written by Dr. Barbara Helfferich.
