
Countering terrorism and preventing radicalisation in Europe’s neighbourhood

28.11.2018, Policy Dialogue, 14h30 - 16h30, EPC Conference Centre, 14-16 Rue du Trône, 1000 Brussels

Policemen secure the area near the site of an explosion in the center of the Tunisian capital Tunis Copyright: ©REUTERS/Zoubeir Souissi

The European Policy Centre and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU Office are delighted to invite you to this Policy Dialogue, at which a new EPC-FES book on the prevention of radicalisation and counter-terrorism in Europe’s neighbourhood will be presented and discussed.
The fight against terrorism and radicalisation leading to violent extremism is a key challenge for the EU and its Member States. Due to its multi-dimensional nature, encompassing socio-economic, cultural and foreign policy aspects, addressing the root causes and impacts of radicalisation and terrorism is likely to remain a clear policy priority for the EU for the foreseeable future, both domestically and in relations with key third countries, particularly in the Western Balkans and the Southern neighbourhood.

In this context, EPC and FES have carried out an independent assessment study on the overall effectiveness of the EU in helping address the root causes and the manifold impacts of terrorism and radicalisation in a number of countries in its close proximity: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Lebanon and Tunisia. The event will present and discuss the final findings collected in a multi-authored book. It provides a set of conclusions and policy recommendations on how to improve policies in preventing radicalisation leading to violent extremism and countering terrorism in these countries and how the EU can better support them through the work of its delegations.

The audience will be welcomed by FES Policy Officer Marco Funk and the discussion chaired by EPC Senior Policy Analyst Amanda Paul.

Event location: EPC Conference Centre, 14-16 Rue du Trône, 1000 Brussels

Contact: Marco.Funk(at)fes-europe.eu
