
EU-Latin America relations – Trade and beyond

06.10.2020: EU-Mercosur-agreement | A partnership beyond trade, online conference, 16h-17h30 (CEST)

Latin America and Europe are closely linked economically, culturally, and historically. Several agreements to foster the relationship have been negotiated or are close to conclusion.  Changed requirements on both sides regarding scope and content of the agreements as well as the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic which is hitting Latin America particularly hard have dramatically changed the context. FES gathers experts from politics, civil society and academia to discuss the social, political and ecological impacts of the agreements:


EU-Mercosur-agreement | A partnership beyond trade

“The MERCOSUR Agreement is not only a free trade treaty. Designed as an association agreement it also includes political dialogue and cooperation. While the EU and German discourses have been focusing on trade the whole agreement has so far received little attention in its full scope. However, it is precisely this far-reaching cooperation that offers a unique opportunity for both regions. What is the geopolitical significance of the EU-MERCOSUR agreement? Could a comprehensive EU-MERCOSUR agreement be an important signal for more multilateralism, international cooperation, and democracy, especially in these times?

Contact: Daniela.Iller(at)fes.de

