
Escazú Roundtable: Discussing the impact of a milestone.

The Escazú Agreement is about establishing minimum standards for human and environmental rights in Latin America. We present two studies recently commissioned by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Mexico on the legal aspects and the role of civil society.

Special protection measures for environmental activists

In 2021 the Escazú Agreement entered into force and has been ratified by 12 countries so far. It is about establishing minimum standards for human and environmental rights in Latin America. For the first time ever in an international agreement member states came to terms on special protection measures for environmental activists.

An important cornerstone of EU-Latin America relations

The agreement presents a great opportunity for the participating states to improve their situation with regard to environmental and human rights. High standards should be an important cornerstone of EU-Latin America relations, e.g. in the context of the Supply Chain Act recently presented by the Commission. This makes it all the more important to raise the visibility of the agreement and to advocate for its implementation from a European perspective. 

Studies on the legal aspects and the role of civil society

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Mexico has been actively following the negotiation and implementation process of the agreement. It has recently commissioned two studies on the legal aspects and the role of civil society. At our round table the authors present their findings and discuss the potential of this new agreement.

Roundtable: 22 March 2022, 16-17h (ZOOM)

We invite you to join our roundtable that will take place online via Zoom. Log-in details will be sent shortly before the event. English, Spanish and German interpretation will be provided.

For more information, please contact: Daniela.Iller(at)fes.de
