
Exit the crisis: How to shape the EU’s economic, labour and social recovery?

CLOSED WEBINAR with Nicolas Schmit, EU-Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, 20 May 2020


In these times of crisis, progressive answers are needed more than ever. The coronavirus pandemic puts our health systems and the economy under pressure, drastically increases unemployment and social inequality. It is used by autocrats to undermine democracy and the rule of law. Nationalism is on the rise, borders are closed, and refugees are let down. Important issues for our future such as measures against climate change are put on hold. The EU is struggling to fight the multiple crises and to develop the right tools.

In order to avoid crisis reactions pushing us back into old patterns for recovery we would like to promote progressive answers to these challenges.

Therefore, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is organizing a series of webinars called “Zooming In On Progressive Responses” with social democratic experts all across from Europe. We want to discuss new ways out of the crisis and help to find better solutions for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

In our next session, we will focus on
Exit the crisis: How to shape the EU’s economic, labour and social recovery?
20 May 2020, 14.30h – 15.30h (CET)

Nicolas Schmit
EU-Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

Key questions that we explore will be: What role for the European Pillar of Social rights in the recovery? How can the recovery work for the people and not for business only and how is this reflected in the MFF? How can the transformative character of the recovery be strengthened? How to ensure that social dialogue has a decisive say in national and European recovery plans?

The event is a closed webevent. Invitations are personal.

Contact: Stephan.Thalhofer(at)fes-europe.eu
