
„Fair Taxation: What Next?“

05.02.2019, Roundtable, 14h - 16h30

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Various tax scandals, from the LuxLeaks and Offshore Leaks to the Panama Papers and Paradise Papers, have put the fight against tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance high on the agenda of the European Commission and the European Parliament.
Looking back at the current legislative period, the EU made significant achievements: stronger rules against aggressive tax planning or an improved exchange of information between tax administrations, for instance. However, other measures are still under dispute such as the common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB), the digital tax or public country-by-country reporting.
What has been achieved so far, in the EU and at an international level? What is the way forward to effectively end the unjust tax practices? Our panel discussion will offer an opportunity for stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to discuss potentially confronting views before opening to questions from the audience.”

Contact: Sidonie.Wetzig(at)fes-europe.eu

