Monday, 05.06.2023 - Online: Zoom

Fair working conditions in childcare

On Monday, 5 June at 12h30 – 13h30 (Zoom) - Join us for the kick-off of our event series presenting our policy study “The European Strategy: A Chance to Ensure Inclusive Care for All?”

The European Care Strategy is a welcome step towards coordinated action on building a resilient care regime. In our policy study “The European Strategy: A Chance to Ensure Inclusive Care for All?”, several authors took a critical look at different aspects of the Strategy. To delve deeper into their findings, FES together with FEPS and EPSU are now launching the Care4Care Policy Lunch Series.

Join us for the kick-off event on Monday, 5 June at 12h30 – 13h30 (Zoom), discussing:

How can the EU play a role in improving working conditions and responding to training needs in the Care sector? The Case of Early Childhood Education and Care.

With the expansion of multinational care companies across Europe, more rigorous European standards are needed to ensure decent working conditions and accessible, quality care for all.

To address staff shortages and improve recruitment and retention rates, there needs to be a fundamental revaluing of the care profession and pay and conditions which match the crucial role of carers in our societies.

  • Welcome by Laeticia Thissen, Policy analyst, FEPS
  • Input by our author Anna Gromada, Social and Economic Policy Consultant at UNICEF Office of Research, a researcher at the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Discussants:
    • Christian Morabito, international researcher and expert in the field of inequalities in ECEC
    • Leena Kaasinen, Finnish Union of Practical Nurses, SuPer
    • Heinrich Dorner, Member of the regional government of Burgenland (Austria), Member of the Committee of the Regions
  • Moderationby Paola Panzeri, Policy Staff – Gender Equality, Local and Regional Governments,EPSU

Register here to receive the Zoom link.
