
Germany's options for European policy reform: Instruments for progressive EU economic and social policy

Study by Prof. Dr. Björn Hacker

Bild: FES

In the task of shaping and designing progressive European policy, three topical areas readily stand out above all the rest:

  • the future of Economic and Monetary Union,
  • how to sculpt the EU's social dimension and
  • the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027.

In its EU chapter the German government's Coalition Agreement of 14 March 2018 concluded by the CDU, CSU and SPD makes some clear statements in some areas (EU budget, corporate tax regulation), but is rather vague and open to interpretation in others.

The central conflict line pervading all these projects runs between the model for political union and a view of the EU that primarily assigns it a market role.

In his study Prof. Björn Hacker scrutinizes a total of 7 EU integration projects that would enhance European economic and social policy. For each of them he gives an analysis of the central lines of conflict and assesses risks and opportunities, including alternative policy options for a progressive European way forward.
