
Jobwende, Effects of the Energiewende on Work and Employment

Markus Hoch, Jannis Lambert, Almut Kirchner, Richard Simpson, Myrna Sandhövel, Tabea Mündlein

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that greenhouse gas emissions will have to be reduced to zero by 2050 at the latest if global warming is to be limited to 1.5 °C. If we fail to achieve that objective, we risk setting in motion mechanisms whose consequences are almost impossible to predict – and today still appear abstract and unreal. The current scientific consensus suggests that the effects will far exceed the increase in extreme weather events already observed. We face the irredeemable destruction of entire ecosystems, and with them the livelihoods of whole societies.

As the present study shows, we can take a significant step towards fighting global warming without endangering our country’s economic base – even if it is not (yet) possible to persuade all other countries to participate. If we want to see a better tomorrow we must get to work today.
