
México, ¿a dónde vas? Mexico before the elections - trade, politics and human rights

04.06.2018, round table, 13h15 - 16h00,

Registration is closed

In view of the new EU-Mexico agreement and the country’s parliamentary and presidential elections in July FES EU Office has invited a delegation of Mexican experts and decision-makers to Brussels to discuss the future EU-Mexico partnership.

In April 2018 the EU and Mexico announced an update of their Global Agreement signed two decades ago with the aim to achieve a deal “fit for the economic and political challenges in the 21st century". The new agreement might also send a message to Mexico’s northern neighbour because the renegotiation of NAFTA initiated by the Trump administration in August 2017 still appears to be on a rather uncertain ground.

However, achieving sustainable economic growth in the long run through increased trade with the EU remains questionable for the moment since Mexico is lacking profound investments and reforms in infrastructure, research and above all public security. Precisely because of the worsening security situation, the government of President Peña Nieto is under pressure. Causing more than 20.000 victims last year and leading to a deteriorated human rights situation, the fight against drug cartels and organised crime is widely considered as failed.  
We would like to invite you to a roundtable with our guests who will share their insights on the country’s political and economic challenges, the upcoming elections and their impact on the EU-Mexico relations.

English-Spanish interpretation will be provided.

Registration is closed.

Contact: Daniela.Iller@fes-europe.eu
