
Poetry Slam Price Winner Trip

"Poetry Slam”, 09.-11.04.2019 Price winner trip

Copyright REUTERS

What does Europe mean to me personally? How is a Europe of tomorrow going to look like? Youngsters from the western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia were dealing with questions like these in a poetry slam contest organized by the regional FES office in 2018.

In their poetry the teenagers spoke out against racism and nationalism, longing for a peaceful freedom in Europe and beyond, but also unfolded critical thoughts about the current state of the Union as far as trade politics or internal needs for structural reformation are concerned.

Now, the finalists are receiving their prize: a study trip to the European capital, to Brussels. During the trip, they will meet representatives from the European institutions and organizations working in Brussels to see how their interests are being represented on a European level and to learn more about the functioning of the European Union. What does Europe mean to me personally? Perhaps this trip will provide some new answers – and trigger more creative poetry. For sure it will help the students to build their vision of a future Europe.

Contact: Agnes Mach, ep-dialog(at)fes-europe.eu
