
Presentation of the Security Radar 2019

On 22 May the ‘FES Vienna Security Radar 2019 – Wake-up call for Europe’ was presented in Brussels. In times when European security finds itself in choppy waters as we see deep divisions emerging across Europe that were unimaginable a quarter of a century ago, the European Security Radar Project offers a pan-European overview of threat perceptions. It will help to provide a clear view of Europeans’ perceptions and attitudes. It can lay the foundations for European governments to draw constructive conclusions and help the media glean a realistic assessment of European stances in order to counter speculation and even counter propaganda.

In the context of dramatic challenges to the European security architecture the Security Radar 2019 is intended to shed light on two major factors of crucial importance for political decision-makers: general public opinion and particular expert perspectives on the security and foreign policy situation in Europe. Seven countries, EU- and non-EU-members, were chosen to participate in this public opinion poll: France, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine and Russia. Despite the high level of harmonisation in Europe, national sensitivities remain diverse, and understanding this is precisely what must form the basis of a responsible foreign and security policy.
