
REGISTRATION IS CLOSED: Back to National Unilateralism? Covid-19, Migration and Border Control

16.06.2020, Webinar with Birgit Sippel, MEP, S&D Group Coordinator, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament, REGISTRATION IS CLOSED


Migration and border control have been on top of the EU’s political agenda for many years before Covid-19, but the pandemic has further exacerbated these highly contentious issues. Freedom of movement within the Schengen Area was already being challenged by internal border checks reintroduced by some member states following the large-scale arrival of refugees in 2015 and was almost completely suspended due to Covid-19. After travel restrictions were announced unilaterally, the reopening of internal borders is also happening in a similarly uncoordinated way.

Meanwhile, the European Commission’s highly anticipated New Pact on Migration and Asylum, which aims to unblock the stalled reform of the controversial Dublin Regulation, had to be postponed. Reaching a compromise on refugee relocation in Europe, the main area of disagreement, is even more difficult under the current circumstances. Are we witnessing the breakdown of common European action on these issues or will the EU’s role be strengthened in the end? Which solutions are still viable and how can they be achieved?

To give progressive answers to these challenges, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung offices all across Europe are organizing a series of webinars called “Zooming In On Progressive Responses” with social democratic experts from different European countries. We want to discuss new ways out of the crisis and help to find better solutions for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Contact: Marco.Funk(at)fes-europe.eu
