
Science meets European Politics

01. - 02.07.2019, Closed Dialogue Programme

Protestors raise their arms under an European flag during a pro-EU demonstration as European Union leaders meet in downtown Rome, Italy, March 25, 2017. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi

About one month after European citizens casted their ballot for their European representative, the gamble for Europe’s top positions is in full swing. While Europeans voted in greater number than in almost half a century, pushing the overall turnout to more than 50%, the European Parliament’s new political landscape displays substantial party group diversification and disenchantment with traditional centrist politics. Amidst mounting China-US tensions, looming Brexit negotiations and prevailing structural inequalities across the Union, the EU must reassemble itself as a recognised political actor.
Bearing the numerous and indeed sophisticated European challenges in mind, the EU Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung invited together with its Unit for Scholarship Programmes German academics to Brussels in order to discuss what is ahead for European politics. Under the slogan “Science meets European Politics” participants will engage with representatives of EU institutions, Think Thanks and NGOs to explore the Brussels perspective on current political developments in exchange for a more academic point of view on European issues. Next to the freshly elected European Parliament, this year’s programme puts an emphasis on Europe’s social dimension and digital standards amongst others.

Contact: Agnes Mach, ep-dialog(at)fes-europe.eu

