Since 1973: Bolstering European Social Democracy for over 50 years!


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung European Union & Global Dialogue | Brussels Office

Rue du Taciturne 38
1000 Brussels

+32 22 34 62 90


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The Brussels Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

The Brussels Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), with its headquarters in Brussels and activities in Brussels and Strasbourg, was opened in 1973. It participates in the European integration process, backs and accompanies the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany in Europe and contributes to shaping the external relations of the European Union.

As an agency of dialogue, education and consultancy, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung thereby fulfils its special role as a ‘political network organisation’ for and with the various European institutions. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's European and worldwide network facilitates political, economic, social and environmental dialogue between Germany and Europe, within Europe and between Europe and the rest of the world and also at global level.

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Our Topics

Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights

Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights

Democracies around the world are feeling the pressure in the face of rising authoritarianism, nationalism and populism. The EU is no exception. More

Foreign, Security and Defence Policy

Foreign, Security and Defence Policy

The FES EU Office works to ensure that the Common European Defense policy remains value-driven and peace-oriented. More

EU Projects

EU Projects

By implementing projects co-funded by the EU, the FES aims to actively contribute to sustainable EU development cooperation based on solidarity. More

Trade and Development Policy

Trade and Development Policy

The FES EU Office is dedicated to promoting a trade and development policy at EU level that is sustainable and fair, democratic and transparent. More

Migration and Integration

Migration and Integration

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s EU Office uses its expertise to bring greater objectivity to the debate on migration. More

Economic and Digital Policy, Social Europe

Economic and Digital Policy, Social Europe

The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation's EU Office aims at striking a social, environmental and economic balance in the EU. More

IPS Journal

IPS Journal

IPS Journal is an online magazine covering the central debates of progressive politics in Europe and around the globe More

FES Publications

FES Publications

Please visit the FES library website to search for all full-text publications published by FES offices worldwide. More

Check out our Competence Centres in Europe!

Climate and Social Justice

Climate and Social Justice

In the future, climate and social policy must be two sides of the same European coin. We shall be working on this with our political, trade union and civil society partners and other think tanks. The Competence Centre Climate and Social Justice based in Brussels!
