Thursday, 15.12.2022 - Online

Online debate: Inflation and the cost-of-living crisis in Europe 

In this new episode of "Social Europe Talk", our expert panel will discuss causes and solutions to the cost-of-living crisis. Join us on 15 December!

© DPA/Picture Alliance/Reuters/Schmidt

What are the causes and the solutions to the cost-of-living crisis? 

Europe is facing the worst inflation in half a century, impoverishing those on fixed incomes and leaving workers fighting to keep up. The European Central Bank‘s interest-rate hikes are adding to the pressures on households and enterprises. What are the causes and the solutions to the cost-of-living crisis? And what is the right policy mix to support the most vulnerable? We will be discussing these questions in our next episode of Social Europe Talk online. You can re-watch all previous episodes by clicking here.

The livestream of the event will be accessible on this page.


10:00 (am) - Welcome remarks by Stephan Thalhofer, Policy Officer for social, economic and financial affairs, FES EU Office

10:05 - Panel debate with:

  • Georgia Kaplanoglou, Professor of public finance, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 
  • Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of European Trade Union Confederation
  • Philippa Sigl-Glöckner, Director of Dezernat Zukunft
  • Paul Tang, economist, Dutch MEP and ECON committee member

Moderated by Robin Wilson, Editor-in-chief of Social Europe.

The online debate will be held in English only. There will be no interpretation.

You do not need to register for this event. On 15 December, the livestream will be accessible here.

For questions, please contact stephan.thalhofer(at)
