
State of the European Union 2018 - The European states facing the reforms of the Union

05/09/2018, 12h30-14h30, Public presentation and debate !!! REGISTRATION IS CLOSED

THE EVENT IS FULLY BOOKED - registration is closed

In the 7th edition of the report on the State of the EU, produced in partnership of Fundación Alternativas and the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, it is question of how the member states are facing reform options in different policy fields like the economic and monetary union, digitization, external action and asylum – all of this in the context of Brexit and rising nationalism.

We would like to present the main finding of this year’s edition of the report and focus with our speakers and the audience in particular on the question of how to reconcile European economic and monetary union reforms with the principles of the European pillar of social rights.

Registration and light lunch

Welcome and context of the FA-FES State of the Union report
Renate Tenbusch
, director EU-Office, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Maria Pallares, program coordinator, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Madrid

Insights from the 7th State of the Union report: Economic and social reforms in the EU in the context of populism and nationalism.

  • Diego López Garrido, director of the Report, former Spanish MP and Secretary of State for European Affairs
  • Carlos Carnero, Managing Director of Fundación Alternativas, former member of the European Parliament and member of the European Convention on the Lisbon Treaty

Debate with the audience

