
State of the union 2019

25.09.2019, 11h00 - 13h00, Public debate, Venue: European Parliament, Room A3G-2


Copyright: nile, "hourglass", https://pixabay.com/de/photos/sanduhr-zeit-stunden-uhr-eieruhr-620397/

Important registration info:

As of 17 September 2019 registration is only possible if you have an official access badge for the EP.  Otherwise you will not have access to the building because we cannot issue temporary access cards after the deadline.

Venue: European Parliament, Room A3G-2


Presentation and debate

The European new legislature: discussing challenges and recommendations

The political situation facing Europe is one of the most difficult and complex it has experienced since the Treaty of Rome. The difficulties stem from the domestic policies of the member states and from their centripetal attitude in the face of the global challenges of the 21st century - on security, on socioeconomic relations, or on the environment.  

It is necessary to rethink Europe and, above all, rethink it together. With the beginning of the new European legislature, this 8th edition of the report on the State of the EUaims to contribute to that reflection: On what areas should the reform focus? How can the EU recover its capacity for political design? How can we stop the shift to the right currently taking place in Europe?


Registration and coffee

Welcome and context of the FA-FES State of the Union report

  • Domènec Ruiz-Devesa, MEP, S&D Group
  • María Pallares, Program Coordinator, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Madrid

Insights from the 8th State of the Union report: discussing challenges and recommendations

  • Diego López Garrido, Director of the report, Executive Vice-President of Fundación Alternativas, former Secretary of State for the European Union (2008-2011)

Debate with the audience

13h00    End.


This is a cooperation of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Fundación Alternativas.


Contact: maria.pallares(at)fesmadrid.es
