
Supporting Labour Standards through Targeted Sanctions in Trade

18.10.2018, Roundtable, 11h - 12h30 (registration starts at 10h45), REGISTRATION IS CLOSED

Design FES Singapore/FES Asia: Mila Shopova

Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters in EU Free Trade Agreements are frequently criticised for not protecting labour standards. Despite the EU Commission’s 15-point plan to make them more effective, they still lack teeth. But what kind of enforcement tools could enhance compliance with labour standards? Clara Portela argues that applying targeted sanctions can deter violations of labour standards and improve compliance. The author will present an enforcement mechanism that is flexible enough to target only those individuals, companies or sectors that are responsible for the breaches.

Speakers are:

Clara Portela (PhD EUI, Florence), University of Valencia
Joachim Schuster MEP, Committee on International Trade

Contact: Daniela.Iller(at)fes-europe.eu

