Towards a fairer, care-focused Europe!

Thursday 4 March, 14h00 – 15h15 Online-Event on Zoom

Women carry the lion’s share of both paid care work and unpaid care – even more so during the past year. But despite all the clapping from the balconies, they continue to suffer from a severe lack of recognition for the real worth of the tasks they are executing. All too often, women continue working in underpaid, precarious or even completely invisible conditions.

Join us for an exchange with care workers, gender equality experts and policy makers to identify the core challenges and formulate concrete and progressive recommendations that help realize a real shift towards a people-oriented Europe. The event is organised in cooperation with FEPS, YES and the S&D-Group and takes place in the framework of the 6th Progressive Youth Forum. It draws on insights from the joint FES-FEPS Project “Feminist Europe – Does Europe care for Care?”.

Register here for the event