
Triumph of the Women?

29.11.2018, 15h - 17h, roundtable discussion (registration starts at 14h30)

Copyright: FES

Women voters were long thought to be relatively immune to the election policies advocated by right-wing populists and right-wing extremist parties. That has changed, however. In absolute terms the proportion of women voters for most of these parties is still lower than that of men, but the gap is narrowing. A number of women hold leading positions in right-wing populist parties, giving them a female face as it were, but what is the situation behind that façade?

Against this background, we present the study “Triumph of the Women? The Female Face of the Populist and Far Right in Europe” that focuses on six European countries. In their case studies, the authors analyze the policy objectives of populist and far right parties on gender and family issues, the role of women in those parties, women’s voting behavior and possible (counter) strategies from progressive players. The study serves as a basis for this roundtable’s key question: What are the implications for progressive players when it comes to gender and family policy?

Contact: Agnes Mach, ep-dialog(at)fes-europe.eu
