
The Future of the Africa-Europe partnership

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has been following the partnership between the EU and Africa for many years. On the occasion of the AU-EU Summit, taking place from 17-18 February, we would like to draw your attention to some of our recent videos and publications.

Just transition, climate protection and inclusive growth

Rhoda Boateng from ITUC-Africa talks with Lennart Oestergaard (FES Africa Department) about challenges and opportunities in the Africa-Europe relations. As trade union representative Ms Boateng outlines expectations towards the EU from a labour perspective. The EU, she argues, has to move beyond declarations and make concrete commitments contributing towards a just transition, climate protection and inclusive growth on the Africa continent.

The video and further information can be found here.

Team Play in Africa

"Europe: Team Play in Africa" by Giovanni Carbonne analyses the Africa policies of various EU member states. Despite similarities, there are differences in each EU country's relationship with Africa - and between their approaches and those of the EU. The paper recommends several ways to improve alignment.

The policy paper can be found here.

Africa policy after the German Federal Elections

Germany should also aim for a more strategic and coherent Africa policy within the EU. Germany's existing development policy approach needs to be broadened and better aligned with the foreign, social and economic policy priorities of African partners. Strengthening vaccine, support for the climate crisis and closer multilateral cooperation would be important impulses, writes Henrik Maihack in "Africa policy after the German Federal Elections".

The policy paper can be found here.

Redefining Europe-Africa relations

In "Redefining Europe-Africa relations", Robert Kappel outlines how future cooperation between Africa and the EU could look like, particularly against the background of the Corona pandemic. In his view, it is in EU's interest to fundamentally overhaul its cooperation with Africa and reduce its historically grown dependence. Otherwise, African states could turn away from Europe and towards new actors.

The entire analysis can be found here.

The EU needs to communicate more credibly

For a reorientation of the partnership, central building blocks - be it in the area of trade, migration or vaccine production – need to be addressed. In addition, the EU needs to communicate more credibly that it is concerned with the interests of Africa write Lennart Oestergaard and Daniela Iller in A New Honesty.

The article can be found here.

The 5th edition of the Africa Week

The S&D Group organized it’s 5th edition of the Africa Week where the FES also participated in. Focusing on democracy an equal EU-Africa partnership different issues like e.g. human rights, climate change and social justice where discussed.

Videos of the event and further information can be found here.

For more information, please contact Daniela.Iller(at)fes-europe.eu
