Publications FES EU Office

The new European solidarity mechanism

De Bruycker, Philippe

The new European solidarity mechanism

Towards a fair sharing of responsibility between member states?
Brussels, 2024

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Embracing feminist foreign policy within EU strategic foresight capabilities

Mondesir, Anastaesia

Embracing feminist foreign policy within EU strategic foresight capabilities

Bringing feminist futures into reality
Brussels, 2024

Download publication (4,7 MB PDF-File)

Responsibility-sharing or shifting?

De Leo, Andreina; Milazzo, Eleonora

Responsibility-sharing or shifting?

Implications of the New Pact for future EU cooperation with third countries
Brussels, 2024

Download publication (1,8 MB PDF-File)

The Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation

Neidhardt, Alberto-Horst

The Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation

Towards future-proof crisis management and responses?
Brussels, 2024

Download publication (1,9 MB PDF-File)

17.06.2024 | Migration and Integration, Publication, News

In our New Pact Series, we analyse the reforms introduced by the New Pact on Migration and Asylum reforms.


| Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights, Publication, News

Discover our new policy study that examines the alleged radicalisation within European mainstream right parties and its implications for the broader…


| Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights, Publication, News

Feminist foreign policy (FFP) has gained significant ground across the globe, but a lot remains to be done. Read some concrete policy recommendations…


| Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights, Publication, News

Read our new policy study on Women CSO Leaders in Europe: Their challenges are not personal, they are systemic!


23.11.2023 | Migration and Integration, Publication, News

What can politicians, journalists and public figures do to advocate for a more humane and sustainable migration policy? Find it out by reading our…


| Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights, Publication, News

Read our new policy paper with concrete recommendations on how to improve the EU’s rule of law toolbox.


02.04.2023 | Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights, Publication, News

The third edition of the Hambach Democracy Dialogue (HDD) will take place on 15 and 16 June. We will discuss how Social Democracy can be defended and…


01.02.2023 | Foreign, Security and Defence Policy, Publication, News

What does European Strategic Autonomy mean? Read our first articles on European Strategic Autonomy of our joint project in cooperation with the…


11.02.2022 | Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights, Publication

Already since the Maastricht-reform of 1993, European political parties are part of the treaty on the European Union. In recent years, their…


09.12.2021 | Migration and Integration, Publication, News

Safe pathways for refugees take various forms, such as traditional resettlement and a number of complementary pathways. Together they offer crucial…



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