Foreign, Security and Defence Policy
Policies that Promote Peace, Security and Stability
New foreign policy challenges are putting the EU to a test. The glory of the Nobel Peace Price from 2012 seems to be fading, while the Union faces new geopolitical realities. Committed to a multilateral global order, the EU sees its mission in promoting dialogue, diplomacy and development to ensure security and stability in different contexts of crises and conflict. Not relying alone on its soft power, and following a "principled pragmatism," it has made the creation of a more independent security and defense policy one of its core tasks.
Through its formats, the FES EU Office works to ensure that the Common European Defense policy remains part of a value-driven and peace-oriented foreign and security policy and that the EU continues to advocate a multilateral order, especially against the backdrop of geopolitical power struggles and weakened international regimes.
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Sidonie Wetzig
Policy Officer for Foreign Affairs, Security & Defence
2 (0)485 33 00 5