Trade and International Cooperation

Shaping a reponsible and sustainable Development Policy and fair EU trade partnerships

Around the world, globalisation and international trade have been heavily criticised. In response, we are seeing an increase in protectionism while multilateral regimes such as the WTO and the Paris Climate Agreement are being undermined. At the same time, global climate protests indicate that there is a need to work better and faster in pressing ahead with implementing the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030. With the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals forming the central pillar of its political action, it is up to the EU to craft its trade policy fairly and to push forward with socio-environmental transformation on a global scale. In order to be a global player cooperating in solidarity with partners around the world, the EU needs to ensure a more coherent overarching strategy in terms of its trade, development and climate policies.

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU office is dedicated to promoting a trade policy at EU level that is sustainable and fair, democratic and transparent. We rely on our expertise and our global network to build a bridge with the EU, making sure that social-democratic and alternative voices from the Global South are heard in Brussels.

Related News, Events and Publications

06.10.2020 | Event

06.10.2020: EU-Mercosur-agreement | A partnership beyond trade, online conference, 16h-17h30 (CEST)


10.09.2020 | Event

16.09.2020, closed online discussion


22.07.2020 | Publication, Topics

Coopération économique entre l'Afrique et l'Europe : Tirer parti des opportunités offertes pour réorienter le partenariat / Robert Kappel. - Bruxelles…


22.07.2020 | Publication, Topics

The European Union depends on the sea for its security and prosperity as over 70% of its borders are maritime, 90% of its external commerce and world…


02.07.2020 | Topics, News

On 1 July 2020, the Federal Republic of Germany took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU for six months. FES accompanies this period with…


26.06.2020 | News, Publication

In many ways 2020 is said to be crucial for the medium- and long-term relationship between Africa and the EU. EU’s new strategy with Africa published…


23.06.2020 | Event

23.06.2020, 11h00 - 12h30 (CEST), Webinar


17.06.2020 | Event

17.06.2020, 11h00 to 12h15 (CEST), Webinar


09.06.2020 | Event

Webinar, 09.06.2020, 14:00-15:30 (CEST)


02.06.2020 | Event

Webinar, 02.05.2020, 14:00 - 15:30 (CEST)




Daniela Iller

Policy Officer for Trade and International Cooperation
+32 (0) 484 66 31 1